Best golf training Aids

15 Best Golf Training Aids in 2024

With the great advancement in the tech world, every person is attracted to the game now and wants to learn quickly and perform in it. The training aids now are a big help to all age groups and different experience level people. These are all designed and developed keeping in view the specific requirements of each aspect of the game and how to deliver on it with quick improvements day by day. Here is a list of the best Golf training aids helping you day in and out.

15 Best Golf Training Aids in 2024

1. Tour Striker Plane Mate

This kit basically consists of a set of resistance bands connecting your body and your golf club. These bands when connected, produce a force enabling you to swing on the proper plane. The whole setup aims to develop muscle memory with improved rotation so that you hit the ball with a square club face. 

Tour Striker Plane Mate Product Details

Worth buying and giving great results

Immediate effects on handicapped golf swings

Can prove great results in a short time


Useful for both newbies and experienced ones

Can be easily thrown in the golf bag

Makes you learn consistency

A Training program is also offered


Price can be high for some

No assistance on clubface assignment and accuracy

A little difficult to learn initially

Tour Striker Plane Mate

Tour Striker Plane Mate: Picture Courtesy. Amazon.In

2. DST Compressor Training Aid

This golf training aid is very useful for the players trying to learn to get proper impact position with the irons. This is the reason why it has become so popular in a short time. This is preferred by the good golfers also. Your body also gets trained to bring your body in a functional position when you hit the ball.

DST Compressor Training Aid Product Details

Big improvements with the combination of DST videos available online

Improvement in delayed ball striking and lag

Better loft distance


The build of the club is very good

Impact position is properly felt

Better positioning while hitting the ball


The position of the address is extreme

Initially, time is needed to get used to

Players who like faded golf balls might feel uncomfortable

DST Compressor Training Aid

DST Compressor Training Aid .Picture Courtesy: GolfWRX


It is an training aid to wear on the wrist to attain a perfect wrist condition while swinging. The compression sphere can be used for shallowing the club and creating a better radius and connection. This kit can also used for correction in your swing and bring it to the correct posture.

ProSENDR Product Details

Fun in practicing with it

Exercise device focusing on the dominant hand

Encourages you to activate your motor control system for correct movement in execution


Uplifts you for striking the ball at ‘Tour Level’

Used while hitting the shots

Useful for putting, chipping, pitching, and full swing


Takes some time to get used as feels like putting on a grip trainer


ProSENDR. Picture Courtesy: SCOREGolf

4. Orange Whip

It is a patented counterbalance swing system. This counterbalance helps to generate necessary feedback for making your swing powerful, balanced, and staying on the plane. You can feel the difference immediately when you swing it next to the others.

Orange Whip Product Details

Helps in improving short-game skills

Keeps the body moving in proper sequence for the desired in-to-out swing path


Available in different sizes for all age groups and experience

Supports in increasing your speed

Flexibility is enhanced

Can be carried anywhere easily for warm-up


Price can be high for some

No assistance on clubface assignment and accuracy

A little difficult to learn initiallyNot a very big help on accuracy

Still need more options to correct your backswing on the plane

Orange Whip

Orange Whip. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

5. Tour Striker Smart Ball

This includes a ball that can be tied and hung on the neck. Basically, helps people to develop the rhythm and timing needed to become a high-level ball striker. It helps in lengthening and strengthening the body pivot. Most importantly, it gets you the feeling of striking from the inside out.

Tour Striker Plane Mate Product Details

Has helped distances and ball paths a lot

Great training aid for immediate feedback

Helps keep the arms connected throughout the swing


Used by professionals and easy to use

Portability and easy fit in a golf bag

Helpful for chipping and pitching also


Takes a few strokes to get your body adjusted to it Customization option not available

Tour Striker Smart Ball

Tour Striker Smart Ball. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

6. Super Speed Golf

This is one of the best draw drivers and new fairway finders as the company claims. You also get promised straighter ball flights and higher launches. The updated H.O.T. face design delivers spin and speed across the clubface.

Super Speed Golf Product Details

A great training tool for increasing speed

Customer product service is very good


Improves swinging speed and not hard-hitting

Improves the body balance

The follow-up and routine are easy for daily practice

Swing and ball speed also improves


This system is costly

For better results, you will have to complete the program

Super Speed Golf

Super Speed Golf . Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

7. The Stack

The driver is all newly designed with tried and tested drawers in all categories. The forgiving is improved and it is squarer now. Superb for short games and sits perfectly with the ball.

The Stack Product Details

By far the best training speed

Flexible hardware and A.I. powered algorithms enable optimized training

The app keeps motivated along the journey


The training app provided is complete and very useful

You get significant benefits as you move ahead with the training

Customization option based on biometrics of the player


Need to buy speed monitoring device separately

The Stack

The Stack. Picture Courtesy: Golf Digest

8. TIBA Putt

One of the best golf training aids available, it is a two-part system designed for guiding your impacts on putts. It has 4 securing pins for guiding the putt. It has some very good compatibility including swing styles from square to square to arc. Best for a quick practice session anywhere before your game starts.

TIBA Putt Product Details

Gives instant feedback for improvement

Very helpful for beginners

Improves accuracy


Quick learning of the proper path

Compatible with all the putters

Easy portability and usage


Works best on real grass only


TIBA Putt. Picture Courtesy: Golf Swing Systems

9. Lag Shot

A very recommended iron by leading PGA instructors. It has a weighted clubhead + hyper-flexible shaft which forces you to perfect club loading and automatic lag generation. It promotes a relaxed grip and smooth takeaway. It also grooves a stress-free transition which can store huge power without over-swinging the iron.

Lag Shot Product Details

Helps in getting rhythm before the play starts

Helpful to regain swing tempo

Able to hit the ball squarely


Actual shots can be hit with this

Tempo and timing is improved

After using it, you instantly realize what is lag


Distance range is not improved for all players Initially, difficult to get used to

Lag Shot

Lag Shot. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

10. Zepp Golf

This is a swing golf analyzer attached to the hand glove and connected with an app for the data received on the analyzer. It measures club speed, club plane, tempo, backswing length, and other important aspects in 360°. You can record and compare your actual videos with professional golfers. It includes dual accelerometers and dual 3-axis gyroscopes for accuracy.

Zepp Golf Product Details

Improved solid contact with the ball on swinging

The Zepp website is very useful in understanding the app data


Helpful in improving the tempo of swing

Provides instant evaluations with the improvements needed in the shot

Very helpful for coaches also who connect with students on the app and improve them


Speed might be off 6-8mph as per some feedback Initially, calibration may be an issue till you perfect it

Zepp Golf

Zepp Golf. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

11. PuttOUT Pressure Putt Trainer

In this model here of Golf driver for slicers, both sound and forgiveness are redefined precisely. It has an all-titanium head instead of a carbon crown. The inside crisscrossing provides greater rigidity in the face.

PuttOUT Pressure Putt Trainer Product Details

Good for practice and having a fun time

Will help in improving accuracy

An interesting training aid compared to others


With a replicated golf hole, you can practice anywhere

Portability and easy to carry

Putting mats gives you a real grass experience


Hitting the perfect putt is time-consuming and a little tough

PuttOUT Pressure Putt Trainer

PuttOUT Pressure Putt Trainer. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

12. Eyeline Speed Trap 2.0

The setup includes base plates with colorful graphics and unbreakable, four rods, and five tethers to keep the rod on mishits. Here, you learn to swing the correct path, and errant tee shots are eliminated. The swing paths can also be adjusted with alignment insights to ensure the clubface is aiming at the target. Generating greater spin in the ball is also learned with this.

Eyeline Speed Trap 2.0 Product Details

Helpful in grooving the correct swing path

Helps improve ball contact

Helpful for short pitches and chips also


Portability and can be used in short areas as well as long ranges

Construction is very durable

You get feedback instantly on wrong swings

Online support is also available

Range to train on different types of shots and shapes


Might not be very fun to start No feedback on hitting thin shots

Eyeline Speed Trap 2.0

Eyeline Speed Trap 2.0. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

13. The Pill

It is a golf ball shaped in a tire form. The sides are cambered for better training capabilities, performance, and precision. It doesn’t over-compress due to the soft-compression core. The synthetic stand is highly resilient and can stand durability tests for a pro golfer also. The Surlyn cover provides it extra strength on the outside. 

The Pill Product Details

Helpful for training for square strokes

After a little practice, accuracy improves

You can practice with any kind of club


Self-correction with an even weight distribution in it

Gives a tour-quality golf ball feel and performance

Strong and capable of full-shot and chip training

Gives several options for distance and spin combinations


Difficult to stand up on hard surfaces like office carpets

Some people might not find it of a very big technical help in golfing techniques

The Pill

The Pill. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.In

14. Birdie Ball

This is a very unique golf training aid with a flight distance limited to 40 yards only but gives you the feel of a real golf ball. It also has the unique feature of flying with a reverse spin around its horizontal axis. Made up of a very durable super polymer and gets accurate swing feedback. 

Birdie Ball Product Details

Best for hitting full golf shots in limited space

Good for working on your tempo of swing

Feel is good


Provides accurate feedback in a short time

Best for practicing at home also

Ready for golf on the go and portability


Some feedback of balls getting scuffed and scrapped after use of some time

Birdie Ball

Birdie Ball. Picture Courtesy: Golf Coach

15. Blast Motion

You get here a very techy setup. You have to charge the swing and stroke analyzer (sensor), then attach sensors to the club by grip attachments, and then you are all set for swinging. There are a lot of unique metrics designed to check out your performance minutely and give you the correct feedback and path ahead to improve quickly with practice.

Blast Motion Product Details

A very helpful package to improve on the putting strokes

The stroke analyzer is perfect with its accuracy and analysis

Fun activity along with improvement and learning


A high-end product with a lot of advanced features

Gives assistance on what small things you need to do to reach a pro golfer level

The sensors color code each metric to check if you are in the right range or not


Initially, little difficult to put the blast motion inside a special rubber provided

Blast Motion

Blast Motion. Picture Courtesy: Amazon.Uk

This list is very helpful for all people on the golf. You can check on each detail and get the best aid for yourself. The tech giants have developed all these tools very efficiently. So, make sure to find your best golf training aid and make the game more enjoyable with great performances every day. Check our website Big Golfers to know more about all type of Golf Guidance. 

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